Eagle Eye

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I dont know about all that. Anyways it doesn't really matter.
Since I think 360crusader was referring to Halo's online game play. Which this thread is about.

And by the way Goldeneye wasn't bad, but its far from the best of all time.

Edit: HeavyweightInTheGame: Good point but I was only responding to his comment goldeneye being the best fps of ( all time )

6159d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6159d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmmm I see I thought that was a Ducati. They are my favorite sport bikes.
That is odd that you would have to own a 999 to order that one.
One day I would also like to buy a Ducati. The last one that I saw that caught my eye was the 2006 Ducati Testervarde ( somehow I doubt I spelled that right lol ).

Anyways yes a bike would only last so long. Wouldn't want everyday of your life to be a living hell huh? lol

6159d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You make a good point. But look at it in this way.
How much older is Mario too the Master Chief?

By the way your avatar isn't that a Ducati?

6159d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmmm simple but true. And it figures it would take a girl too state something so obvious. I only wish the other guys could agree upon this.
Which most I know wont.

6159d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its does take 10 approvals. Click the info button again. See the number by their names? drtysoul21 he counts as 3 and the rest are ones.

6159d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmmmm another FPS game challenging Halo. Halo truly has made itself a target for all FPS games that are coming out.

6159d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

I dont understand your point. Most computers use Microsoft Windows.
Why would MS not wanna release some of its games to the PC platform?
And Mass Effect,Blue Dragon,Eternal Sonata, and Lost Odyssey are some exclusives only for the 360. Their I named a few for you. Happy now?

6159d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like the PS3 won July. Hmmm still the 360 didn't do bad.
360 price cut hasn't kicked in yet.
I think August will be a fairer assessment. And whats up with the game list? Why bother someone could do the same for the 360, it proves nothing.

And to those that think the 360 is dead remember its been selling consoles a year longer then the PS3. I should hope the PS3 would sell more. Especially since its a good quality product. That has just received a price cut....

6159d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'm sure if the Master Chief does die. I'm sure it will be a very epic death. I think he will die myself. But he wont be alone.
His long lost child hood friend, human turned A.I. Cortana will be with him.

Starry Night trailer. A little boy and girl? And the Chief gets up and hears the voices ringing in his head. I think the boy is him and the girl is Cortana, if your wondering why I said that.

Edit: Gameon No I've only played the games. I only based my tho...

6160d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

These sales charts are always amusing. Its just breathes Flame War.

Anyways the PS2 is still looking good. I'm looking forward too
Persona 3 coming out soon. It has received very high rating in the magazines I have read. Now Atlus there a under rated company. Who can make some money for a console.

Hmmmm looks like the the 360 is the only one too see a increase.
I wonder if Two Worlds and Bioshock will help boost their sales.
And the $50 pric...

6161d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks for the laugh. I think nasim feels small after that one lol.
We should vote you in as NG4 official comedian.

Beware Halo haters Moon Dust is among us.

6161d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most news I see depicts Blu-Ray is winning ( by the way I still buy dvd ) so anyways I'm watching t.v. and a commercial comes on the movie Hot Fuzz has just came out here in the US. And at the end of the commercial its says ready? Own it today on DVD or HD DVD. And then it goes off.
They never mention Blu-Ray. Does anyone have any answers?

Also this format war may be linked with Sony, but not MS. Remember its only a add on, none of 360 games come pack on a HD DVD. We kn...

6162d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I cant believe you said that. lol

6162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo is all the 360 has? Is that a joke or something? You must have been away from earth a while or something. The 360 has good games. And has alot more good games coming out this year.

And MS gonna lose the console war? Why's that selling more software must mean something different too you then it does too me.
( people must like to buy all them games you say 360 doesnt have )

And Mass Effect will rival MGS4. But anyways MGS4 shouldn't be compared to Mass ...

6162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not saying your insulting the xbox world. Halo not my favorite game either. But I think it a really good game. I have nothing against your opinions. But a ton of people do think like that. Thats all I'm saying.

6162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well you would have too ask around 4 million people that.
But the chief is Xbox mascot in a manner of speaking.
So to insult Halo or even hint at it is like insulting the Xbox world.
If that makes any sense.

6162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This would be a good idea. lol I would love too see 360 best vs PS3 best.
Who would win, well it depends on the game. But it would be cool if they could create custom battlefields. And PS3 people would use all characters and weaponry from Killzone 2. And 360 guys use all character and weaponry from Halo 3. Now that would be a battle lol.

6162d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can say that again. But he does have some fan boy support. But I dont think it will be anuff to keep his bubbles up.

6163d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game looks great. 10/10 it will most likely live up to those numbers. Gonna push the FPS games in a fresh direction.
By the way anyone else picking up the collectors edition?

6164d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment